May You Receive All Good Things

How do you send energy to your future?
A few years ago I began using to write letters to myself in the future. It's a tangible way I can remind myself of what I was doing this time last year, and a way to send a boost of good mojo towards whatever I'm working on. Sometimes I use it to remind myself to cancel a service if I stopped using it but forgot when it will renew. It's useful!
I wrote myself a letter last year that was different from my usual - it didn't tell me all the things I was working on or how I was doing, or what was going on in the world that I needed to be reminded of.
This one was just a pure blessing.
I am going to attach it for you to read because I received that email from myself as such a gift and I think we all ought to speak to ourselves like this. Not just occasionally, but all the time.
Here is what I wrote a year ago and then forgot I even made:
Hello Blaze,
May your day be filled with love, calm, and blessings. May your life be filled with peace. May your marriage be loving and strong, may your home be brimful with love, laughter, and delicious food and friends to share it with!
May your relationship with (your daughter) be joyous, close, playful, kind, and loving. May you be inspired by her and inspire her.
May (your cat) be well, healthy, youthful and vibrant. May (your mother-in-law) be healthy, joyful, peaceful and sharp. May your neighbors be kind and generous. May your community be supportive and kind.
May your home be vibrant, clean, energized and restorative, beautiful and welcoming. May you have all the time for friends you desire. May your yard be healthy and beautiful, with a garden establishing and lots of light and shelter.
May your finances be taken care of! May the universe provide all and more that you and your family and loved ones need and beyond. May your bank accounts feel full and growing, may your bills be paid in full and diminishing, may you feel secure and grounded and fulfilled in all ways.
May your business be a source of joy and nourishment to you! May you enjoy each time you engage with a client or extend yourself to help others. May your business nourish you financially, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.
May your art be flourishing and a source of joy in all ways. May you creatively express and share yourself and receive the love and support from others, emotionally, physically, financially, and in all ways.
May you be blessed beloved Blaze. May everyone around you be lifted up in love and light now and always, through all time and dimensions, spaces and realities.
May you now and evermore flow on the path of the most joy, ease, and grace, unfolding in beauty and peace, love, and kindness. I love you Blaze, and I send you a wish for peace, for contentment, for inspiration, for security, and for LOVE.
May your child be enjoying her education. May you be enjoying your newfound freedom of mornings! May you be enjoying a romantic and loving marriage, many loving and inspiring friendships, and may your work with Atmana be blossoming into a booming and nourishing coaching practice that brings you so much joy, purpose, and smiles.
May you forgive yourself for every setback, every time you took on too much, all the times you needed rest and were afraid to take it, for the times you did take it and felt guilty. May you be released from all that now and forever, you are forgiven and loved and embraced fully.
May you receive your own forgiveness for your financial mistakes and poor investments, for the times you spoke unwitting, for the times you hurt those you loved most and those you didn't even realize you were hurting.
May it be so.
Now and forever,
with love, grace, and ease,
In deepest trust and love,
May you also receive all of that love and juicy awesomeness!
This email from a year ago arrived at the perfect time, and I really FELT that love coming to me. And now, I'm sharing that love with you!
Have a wonderful, blessed day!
With joy,
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